Tuesday, February 10, 2009 @ 1:30 PM
Vocabulary Building 15

These are the words from the passage Why did the Hindenburg use hydrogen to keep afloat?

- satisfaction or happiness as a result of fully developing one's abilities or character
~ Sheryl found fulfillment when she scored full marks in her Mathematics examination.

- the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom
~ With my father’s vision, I was able to achieve many things in life.

- refuse to allow (something)
~”I forbid you to talk to him!” mother screamed at Jane.

- (esp. of food, money, or some other resource) insufficient for the demand
~ Water is scarce in the Sahara.

- easily set on fire
~ Petrol is a flammable liquid.

@ 1:06 PM
Grammar 01 - Everyday and Every day
Hi 6f~ians,

Wan Ting asked this question in class. I did not have enough time to explain it then. Here goes!

“Everyday” is an adjective which describes something that is common or ordinary.
“Every day” also means "each day".

1) We have to attend school every day.

2) Going to school is an everyday event.

Hope it helps!

@ 8:43 AM
Vocabulary Building 14

these words/phrases were taken from What happened to Hindenburg?

- bring a ship (vessel) to the shore or anchor quickly
~ Due to safety reasons, the ship was moored to the pier for inspection.

Survived the crash
~ The baby miraculously survived the horrific car accident.

- to believe in or find acceptance that something is true
~ The fact that Ali was seen to be agitated led credence that he was the perpetrator.

- an occurrence of death by accident, in war or disease.
~ It was amazing that there was no fatality during the outbreak of dengue.

- military observation (spying) of a region to locate an enemy
~ The Singapore army completed a successful reconnaissance exercise in March 2008.

Mr. Farhan & Mr. Ng .
Mathilda , Christine , WanTing , Tina , Eries , Clara .