Wednesday, January 28, 2009 @ 2:34 PM
Comprehension 02 - The Dust Bowl

…. , only to still have everything covered in grit. Vehicles and machinery were clogged with dirt. And in addition …..

These are the questions and answer for the article on The Dust Bowl.

1) Specifically, when did the farmers from United States witnessed two great storms?
- They witnessed the first one in mid-April 1934 and the other on May 10 1934.

2) What was the size of the Dust Bowl?
- It was three hundred thousand square miles big.

3) Give two examples of the destruction caused by the Dust Bowl.
- Crops were cut off at ground level from their roots and vehicle clogged with dirt.

*4)How did the disaster affect the lives of the farmers?
- The farmers’ lives were seriously affected as crops were destroyed and some of the farmers contracted ‘dust pneumonia’.

5) How far and wide has the disaster affected the United States of America?
- The disaster started in Texas and ended in the eastern seaboard of the United States of America.

@ 2:25 PM
Vocabulary Building 10
Today's words :)

1) Vague
-uncertain, unclear meaning
Please explain clearly. Your answers are vague.

2) Diagnose
To identify the nature of an illness by examinations of the symptoms
David was diagnosed to be suffering from cancer.

3) Genetic
of relating to genes, heredity
You cannot blame genetics all the time. His bad behaviour is a result of his own doing.

4) Syndrome
- a group of symptoms that consistently occur together.
Leukemia is a result of a rare syndrome where white blood cells are generated at an alarming rate.

5) Proficient
Competent or skilled at doing something.
- Alex is proficient in Mathematics. He can solve the most difficult sums.

Mr. Farhan & Mr. Ng .
Mathilda , Christine , WanTing , Tina , Eries , Clara .