Friday, January 9, 2009 @ 9:59 PM

I find this cuteeeeeeee luh please . D:

@ 8:55 PM

Haha ! :B Mathilda here . I find every breath you take a nice song . :D

@ 9:55 AM
P3 and P4 i-Science Textbook
From what I know, there is a number of you who has dumped, thrown, recycled, given away your P3 and P4 i-Science textbooks. So how are you going to revise for all your exams this year including your much dreaded PSLE?

Have no fear, Guru KelvinDaSingh (just kidding) is here. I have scanned all the pages (almost 300) of the two textbooks in pdf format and have uploaded them into my SkyDrive. You can click on the link below to download them, open them and viola! You can revise them on your computer. No excuses for not getting that A or A*.

I will also be making this available to the other P6 classes but you know it before them. Cheers.

Guru KelvinDaSingh

@ 9:49 AM
Destined for Greatness
‘Destined for Greatness’

You must be wondering why I am titling the very first post by me as ‘Destined for Greatness’. Who is destined for greatness? You! I would like each and every one of you to know that your existence is not by chance; that is, you are meant to be here. You have defied great odds and you are a survivor, and that the future is yours to mould.

My next few paragraphs will explain what I mean. You can choose to ignore it but you will not deny the truth in it. It is all up to you to decide your next course of action after reading it.

Your existence is not by chance. We all have learnt about human reproduction so let’s not go ‘eee’ or ‘ahh’ about what I am going to talk about. How did you come into this world? I believe you remember that you need the sperm and egg from your parents to create you.

The first miracle – To create the unique you, your parents have to find each other among the 5.8 billion (in 1996) people in the world, get married and decide to have children. When you learn about probability, you will realised that the chances of them finding one other is very small, and then to decide that they are right for each other and then to have children is about 1 in 23.2 billion (23200000000) based on my estimation and calculation. I might be off but I reckon that it would be in the tens of billions. Nevertheless, you have defied greats odd.

The second miracle – You know that when the nucleus of the sperm fuses with the nucleus of the egg, fertilisation occurs. From then the cells will divide to form you. But do you know that at any one time, an average of 300 million sperms are looking for the egg. Imagine you are one of the 300 million sperms, finding your way and looking for the egg. Going through a journey unknown to you and trying to reach the egg before the other sperms do. And when you do reach the egg, there might be other sperms surrounding the egg. By the secrets of nature, the egg allows you to enter and to fuse with her. Doesn’t this make you a winner and very lucky to be selected? The other 299999999 sperms would ‘die’ and never to be thought off again.

The third miracle – You are meant to be here. Referring to the previous miracle, any slight difference in the condition, for example, the location of the egg might just be 0.0001 cm from the original location. When that happens, other sibling of yours might have taken your place in class or in this world. You would not have been ‘here’ or thought off. In addition, for your mother to carry you to full term despite the dangers that are lurking as she moves around, for her to deliver you with much complications, for your parents to nurse you and help you grow, for them to enroll you in this school. All this shows that you are meant to be here; to be surrounded by this group of friends or classmates whom themselves are miracles too.

In conclusion, what I would like you to know is that you are a miracle and is wonderfully created; a unique person who has defied great odds and is a winner and survival. However, are you continuing this ‘winning tradition’? Are you making this opportunity that you have to create a better future for yourselves? If you have said yes to both the above questions, well done, keep up the good work. However, if your answer is a no, then it is not too late to start now.

Start by taking responsibility of yourself. Take pride in your work which is an extension of you. A good piece of assignment tells a lot of its owner. The same goes for a slip-shod piece. This is one of the many life skills you will learn but whether to put it into practice is entirely up to you. Next, use the weekend to ponder over what you have just read. When you have come to your sense, remind yourself what you want to be. Then thank your parents for giving you the opportunity to achieve it. Every parent has high hopes for their children and are always sacrificing in order to give them the best. Your parents are no different. Try not to disappoint them and yourself.

Lastly, when you start to be what you are supposed to be – a miracle, winner, survivor, others will say that you ARE destined for greatness and not WERE destined for greatness.

Mr. Kelvin Ng

Mr. Farhan & Mr. Ng .
Mathilda , Christine , WanTing , Tina , Eries , Clara .