Wednesday, January 7, 2009 @ 2:28 PM
Writing skills
Remember the skills to acquire for writing.

5 Ws and 1 H.

Who (are the characters?)

What (happened in the story?)

When (did it happen?)

Where (did the story take place?)

Why (did the problem arise?)

How (was the problem solved?)

Ensure you have included all these in your writing pieces. :)

@ 2:09 PM
Vocabulary Building 02
Hey people!

I just completed marking your homework. Wooo there's loads of work to be done! :) Work hard and read more please. Please use the materials that I distributed (eg : the newspaper articles) to good use. Err, not for lavatory use ok? Ok I'll make it clearer. Don't use them as toilet paper! :P

Read well, and everything else follows.

Here are the words we discussed in class.

1) empathy (noun)
- the ability to understand and share the feelings of others
~ Almost everyone likes the class monitor. He has empathy towards the less fortunate.

2) priority (noun)
- a thing that is regarded more important than the other
~ Jaline is always scolded by her mother as housework is not high on her list of priorities.

3) speculation (verb)
- predict an event without any facts
~ David hates his classmates as they frequently speculate about his private life.

4) informal (adjective) 
- having a relaxed, friendly or unofficial style and manner
~ It is nice to see the teachers behaving informally amongst themselves. It shows that they are 'normal' after all.

5) marketing (verb)
- advertise or promote something
~ The salesgirl went all out marketing the new product to the aunties.

6) amid (preposition)
- in the middle of
~ Heidi lives in a beautiful cottage, set amid magnificent lush green fields of sunflower.

7) materialistic (adjective)
- a tendency to consider material possessions more valuable than spiritual values
~ Henry does not get along well with her materialistic aunt. 

8) pathologist (nouns)
- a person who works in the field of pathology (the science of the cause and effects of death)
~ Karim dreams to be a famous pathologist.

Mr. Farhan & Mr. Ng .
Mathilda , Christine , WanTing , Tina , Eries , Clara .